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Power plant circulating water

1. Thermal power

The main process water such as cooling water and circulating water of the condensers of coastal power stations mainly uses seawater as the water source, or is used directly or through pretreatment systems such as seawater desalination. The antifouling of seawater and the elimination of algae become the top priority.

The electrolytic seawater chlorine production system converts NaCl into NaClO solution by electrolyzing seawater and feeds it into the pretreatment pipeline for seawater antifouling and algae killing.

If the seawater lifting pipeline is blocked, the flow rate will be too low, which will cause the following serious consequences:

Insufficient amount of hot water exchange leads to limited heat exchange


Flow rate is too low

Blocked pipe

The seawater chlorine production system adopts an economical and safe way to prevent the growth of marine organisms by converting sodium chloride in seawater into sodium hypochlorite.

2. Nuclear power

The cooling water and other main process water of the condensers of coastal power stations mainly use seawater as the water source or directly or through pretreatment systems such as seawater desalination. The antifouling of the seawater and the elimination of algae become the top priority.

The electrolytic seawater chlorine production system converts NaCl into NaClO solution by electrolyzing seawater and feeds it into the pretreatment pipeline for seawater antifouling and algae killing.

If the seawater lifting pipeline is blocked, the flow rate will be too low, which will cause the following serious consequences:

Insufficient amount of hot water exchange leads to limited heat exchange


Flow rate is too low

Pipe blockage

The seawater chlorine production system adopts an economical and safe way to prevent the growth of marine organisms by converting sodium chloride in seawater into sodium hypochlorite.